Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, Second National Seminar of Physics (SENAFIS) 2017 with the theme “Improving Physics Contribution and Its Application In The Framework Towards IPTEK Aspiration in Global Era” on Friday – Saturday (17-18 November 2017) Dr. Agus Rubiyanto, M.Eng.Sc. Professor of Integrated Optics and Optoelectronics who is also Dean of Faculty of Science ITS Surabaya, Dr. Dwa Desa Warnana, S.Si, M.Si. from ITS Surabaya and Febdian Rusydi, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. from UNAIR Surabaya. The first day of the Second SENAFIS event in 2017, a workshop was held at the Physics Auditorium. In his speech, Dean of FMIPA Universitas Jember Drs. Sujito, Ph.D. opened the event to convey the participants of the workshop consisting of undergraduate and graduate students of Physics to explore the science of the speaker. “Do not just look for certificates for SKPI, but get knowledge from the speakers who are competent in their field” he explained. The Dean is also grateful to all the presenters and to the organizers especially because of SENAFIS Continue reading
Category Archives: Student
Dean of FMIPA: SKPI is Benchmark of Alumni Competence
“SKPI is used for stakeholders to know the competence of an alumni” said Dean of FMIPA University of Jember Drs. Sujito, Ph.D. in the ‘Pelepasan Alumni‘ at Department of Physics (Friday, 3 November 2017). The Alumni and the Vice Deans, the Chairman of the Secretary of Undergraduate and Masters Programs and Administrative Leaders at FMIPA presented dance and band performances unplugged from UKM TITIK. Mr. Jito then advised on the importance of SKPI for alumni. “SKPI is given to prospective graduates after going through some verification until signed by the dean, students start applying SKPI and then will be verified by the student affairs, SKPI team in the course until verification at Vice Dean I by paying attention to the Indonesian and English” he explained. There are some students who do not care with SKPI, but it is very important as the provision of an alumni to be able to compete in the ‘pasar bebas‘ today. Continue reading
Campus Study of FPMIPA IKIP PGRI Bali
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education Faculty (FPMIPA) of IKIP PGRI Bali on Tuesday (17 October 2017). Dean of FMIPA University of Jember Drs. Sujito, Ph.D. presented the Vision, Mission and Aim of FMIPA, Department and Programme in FMIPA. Pak Jito also explained the achievement of accreditation from several study programs and achievement of FMIPA students at national level. Also student exchanges in some developed countries such as Japan and Germany. “Next week Bachelor of Science Chemistry will receive visitation from BAN-PT accreditation team, hopefully get maximum value” he explained. It was also explain FMIPA University of Jember has 3 Masters Programs: Mathematics, Biology and Physics. “For undergraduate students IKIP PGRI Bali who want to continue the study, we are ready to serve with the support of teachers who are professional fields also supported facilities and laboratories are very good” he said as he promoted. Continue reading
Campus Study of MAN Keboan Jombang
FMIPA Universitas Jember got a Campus Study from students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Keboan Jombang on Thursday (5 October 2017). Dean of FMIPA University of Jember, Drs. Sujito, Ph.D introduced FMIPA to the students. “The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences consists of four undergraduate courses and three master programs that are all accredited B and Bachelor of Science Physics graduate awarded accreditation A in June 2017 yesterday” he said at the beginning of the speech. It was also conveyed that the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) has produced alumni spread across several jobs, from governments such as teachers, lecturers and staff. Anyone who joined the private sector such as banking and television, also pursue the field of entrepreneurship. “Because FMIPA students have been trained to be independent and master the field of knowledge gained during lectures, provided many scholarships also for students to exchange students abroad such as Germany for college students after graduating from FMIPA” he concluded. Continue reading
Excursion Study to Holcim Indonesia
Student Department of Mathematics with lecturers conducted a study excursion to the PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk in Tuban, East Java on March 17, 2016. Led by Kusbudiono, S.Si., M.Si. as Head of Program of Mathematics FMIPA University of Jember greeted by Mrs. Indriani Siswati as Corporate Communication Reg. 3 PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk. According to the schedule agreed upon by the Department of Mathematics and PT. Holcim, the event will be divided into several sessions (Speech, Presentation, Sharing and question and answer) to optimize Mathematics student excursions.
The session begins with the introduction of the PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk, Holcim Indonesia is a leading fully integrated producer of cement, ready mixed concrete and aggregates with a unique and expanding retail franchise offering the most complete end-to-end solution to home building, from building materials supply to design and speedy, safe construction. Continue reading
The 3rd Yudisium 2015/2016
The 3rd Yudisium 2015/2016 on February 10, 2016, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember little bit different because the place is used as the yudisium is the “Ruang Serba Guna” Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember. The theme this time is The 3rd Yudisium 2015/2016: XV Magister Program (S2) and XLVI Bachelor Program (S1) Period III Academic Year 2015/2016.
The 3rd Yudisium 2015/2016, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember graduation Prospective college graduates were 63 Candidate Degree with 14 Candidate details Bachelor of Mathematics, 25 Candidate Degree from the Department of Physics, 13 Candidates Bachelor of Chemistry Department and 11 candidates from the Department of Biology. For as much as 6 Prospective Graduate college graduates with details 3 of 3 people Master in Mathematics and of Biology Masters.