Category Archives: Student


Campus Study of MAN Keboan Jombang

FMIPA Universitas Jember got a Campus Study from students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Keboan Jombang on Thursday (5 October 2017). Dean of FMIPA University of Jember, Drs. Sujito, Ph.D introduced FMIPA to the students. “The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences consists of four undergraduate courses and three master programs that are all accredited B and Bachelor of Science Physics graduate awarded accreditation A in June 2017 yesterday” he said at the beginning of the speech. It was also conveyed that the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) has produced alumni spread across several jobs, from governments such as teachers, lecturers and staff. Anyone who joined the private sector such as banking and television, also pursue the field of entrepreneurship. “Because FMIPA students have been trained to be independent and master the field of knowledge gained during lectures, provided many scholarships also for students to exchange students abroad such as Germany for college students after graduating from FMIPA” he concluded. Continue reading


Excursion Study to Holcim Indonesia

DSCN6711Student Department of Mathematics with lecturers conducted a study excursion to the PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk in Tuban, East Java on March 17, 2016. Led by Kusbudiono, S.Si., M.Si. as Head of Program of Mathematics FMIPA University of Jember greeted by Mrs. Indriani Siswati as Corporate Communication Reg. 3 PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk. According to the schedule agreed upon by the Department of Mathematics and PT. Holcim, the event will be divided into several sessions (Speech, Presentation, Sharing and question and answer) to optimize Mathematics student excursions.

The session begins with the introduction of the PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk, Holcim Indonesia is a leading fully integrated producer of cement, ready mixed concrete and aggregates with a unique and expanding retail franchise offering the most complete end-to-end solution to home building, from building materials supply to design and speedy, safe construction. Continue reading

Yudisium FMIPA Universitas Jember

The 3rd Yudisium 2015/2016

The 3rd Yudisium 2015/2016 on February 10, 2016, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember little bit different because the place is used as the yudisium is the “Ruang Serba Guna” Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember. The theme this time is The 3rd Yudisium 2015/2016: XV Magister Program (S2) and XLVI Bachelor Program  (S1) Period III Academic Year 2015/2016.

The 3rd Yudisium 2015/2016, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember graduation Prospective college graduates were 63 Candidate Degree with 14 Candidate details Bachelor of Mathematics, 25 Candidate Degree from the Department of Physics, 13 Candidates Bachelor of Chemistry Department and 11 candidates from the Department of Biology. For as much as 6 Prospective Graduate college graduates with details 3 of 3 people Master in Mathematics and of Biology Masters.

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Program Pasca Sarjana

Post Graduate Admissions

Academic Year 2016/2017 Master of Science in Mathematics and Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember accepting new students. Registration is done online through SISTER University of Jember. With 4 Semester graduation scheme is expected to improve human resource capabilities in Data Analysis Agriculture / Horticulture, Argribisnis, Conservation and Natural Resources. Also instrumental in the publication of scientific papers based on research nationally and internationally and help improve the quality of teachers and lecturers in East Java as required by the Law on Teachers and Lecturers.
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Kuliah Tamu La Trobe

Big Data Training : Dr. Agus Salim

University of Jember in collaboration with La Trobe University held Training “Big Data: A New Age of Statistical Analysis” on December 23, 2015 in the Department of Mathematics, FMIPA, University of Jember. As an informant is Agus Salim, Ph.D. Senior Lecture of the College of Science, Health and Engineering School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences Department of Mathematics and Statistics La Trobe University. This training event was officially opened by Prof. Drs. Kusno, DEA., Ph.D. as Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember. In his speech, hope that the participants take advantage of the moment to gain knowledge Lecture much of the resource as already experienced in the field.

For those not familiar with Big Data, it’s good to know first what is Big Data. According to some sources, Big Data is a very large data set which will then be analyzed or processed further for specific purposes such as decision making, predictions and more. Along with advances in information technology, the development of Big Data is growing rapidly. It also said Agus Salim, Ph.D. Training material this big data:

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The 2nd Yudisium 2015/2016

DSCN6136Odd Semester at the end of the Academic Tear 2015/2016 on Friday, December 11, 2015Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember held Yudisium of Post Graduate Alumni XIV (S2) and the Alumni XLV Degree (S1) Period II Academic Year 2015/2016 held at “Ruang Serbaguna” Biology Department.

In this period Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember confirmed a total of 32 graduates of Bachelor with 13 Candidate details Bachelor of Mathematics, 9 Candidate Degree from the Department of Physics, 4 Candidate Degree from the Department of Chemistry and 4 Candidates of the Department of Biology. For as much as 4 Prospective Graduate college graduates with details 2 of Master of Mathematics and 2 of the Master in Biology.

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