Category Archives: Student


Visitation of ASIIN International Accreditation for Undergraduate Biology Study Program FMIPA UNEJ

Department of Biologi, FMIPA and Master degree of Biotechnology University of Jember carried out ASIIN’s international accreditation visitation (15-16/12). The Akcreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik or ASIIN team held a meeting with the heads of institutions at UNEJ on the first day. The ASIIN Peer Group consists of Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Meinhardt, University of Muenster, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nellen, Kassel University, Yayang Vionita, PT Cinquer Agro Nusantara, Fatima Qonita Nazihah, State University of Surabaya.

They are with ASIIN Office Dr. Iring Wasser heard presentations on university development, institution profiles, teaching studies. Jember University leadership also gave presentations on collaboration with stakeholders, perspective on resource development, institutional facilities, communication and coordination, study organization and management, teaching to students and quality management at the university level. Continue reading


Chemistry Study Program and Physics Study Program FMIPA received the Predicate of UNGGUL Accreditation from LAMSAMA

Two Undergraduate Study Programs at FMIPA are Chemistry and Physics received UNGGUL accreditation. This is based on the decision of Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Sains Alam dan Ilmu Formal (LAMSAMA) Number 008/SK/LAMSAMA/Akred/S/XII/2022 for Chemistry Study Program. And LAMSAMA decision Number 015/SK/LAMSAMA/Akred/S/XII/2022 for the Physics Study Program (15/12). The achievement of superior accreditation is very proud for both study programs and also for all FMIPA members. “All of us FMIPA UNEJ, especially the two study programs, are very grateful for this achievement, hard work produces the best results at the end of the year,” said the Dean.

The success of the Chemistry and Physics undergraduate study program at FMIPA was an effort made by all parties. Each study program through its accreditation team prepares forms, supported by lecturers, students, alumni and stakeholders working hand in hand to achieve the title of Excellent accreditation. Jember University leadership also plays a role in the LAMSAMA accreditation process. This was seen during the field assessment of the two study programs, the Rector and Vice Rector I UNEJ were present to accompany the visitation process. Continue reading


Provision of Graduates to Enter the World of Work through the UNEJ FMIPA Alumni Network

FMIPA UNEJ held debriefing for prospective graduates as preparation for entering the world of work. Through the FMIPA alumni network that will help introduce and view the world of work. Presenting Abdul Kamil, S.Si, Head of Tegal Gede Village, Jember and Fiqh Maulana Yusuf, S.Si. Creative Section Head, Promo On Air SCTV, the event was packaged in a hybrid manner in the Hall of the Chemistry Department, FMIPA (09/12).

This debriefing began when the Dean of FMIPA, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D, took part in the KAUJE National Happy Walk event in Jakarta some time ago. “When we met alumni, we discussed work and they were enthusiastic to share with their juniors about the world of work,” he said. It was further conveyed that FMIPA realized this debriefing so that the graduates would be better prepared to enter the world of work. Continue reading


LSP Pertanian Nasional is present in the Extension of TUK Pertanian Biologi FMIPA UNEJ

Tempat Ujian Kompetensi (TUK) Pertanian for the Department of Biology, FMIPA, University of Jember extended the collaboration as a partner of Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Pertanian Nasional (5/12). “TUK Tissue Culture in Biology Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is a pioneer in carrying out competency tests in the East Java region,” said Surini Santoso, Director of LSP Pertanian Nasional. Surini hopes that in the future the TUK in Biology can add a certification scheme, because it really helps students enter the world of work.

“TUK is an extension of LSP which is an official institution appointed by BNSP to conduct competency tests,” he continued. Certification obtained from BNSP will be beneficial for prospective job seekers. Information from the Menpan RB, competency certificates have a value of 25% in the ASN acceptance process. For tertiary institutions, the competency test is the most important part according to Permendikbud No 3 of 2020. Continue reading


The Dean and FMIPA JABODETABEK Alumni Families follow Jalan Gembira Nasional KAUJE

The Dean of FMIPA UNEJ and alumni of FMIPA throughout JABODETABEK and their families took part in the Jalan Gembira Nasional KAUJE in the GBK area of Jakarta (27/11). “I am very happy, I am happy to be able to stay in touch with alumni of FMIPA UNEJ, tell each other stories, share experiences and messages of hope for their juniors,” said the Dean. At FMIPA booth, alumni said that now they have worked in various companies in the JABODETABEK area. One of them is Rido, an alumnus of the Mathematics Department who now works as a data consultant for a US company.

“After 2021, I am now working as a data consultant for a US company, the mathematics I got while studying at FMIPA can be applied here,” said Rido, who previously worked on SCTV national TV, MNCTV and KompasTV. Continue reading


After Chemistry Study Program, LAMSAMA Assessor Team Field Assessment in Physics Study Program FMIPA

After last Monday Chemistry Study Program carried out LAMSAMA field assessment, today the Assessor Team came to Physics Study Program FMIPA (17/11). The Chancellor of University of Jember, Iwan Taruna, again opened the field assessment program. “Yesterday Chemistry Study Program, now the Physics Study Program is being assessed, as the Chancellor of UNEJ was present to provide support for the study programs at UNEJ which are being accredited,” said Iwan Taruna. Furthermore, Iwan said that UNEJ encourages the accreditation of each study program because it will improve the quality of study programs through evaluation and assessment.

The Chancellor also said that UNEJ has 15 faculties, 1 graduate with 108 study programs and a vocational program is needed to support non-academic learning. “In the future UNEJ will open a vocational program in Jubung to produce skilled graduates and experts in their fields,” said Iwan Taruna. At the end of his remarks, the Chancellor hoped that the Physics study program would get the desired accreditation. “Congratulations on exploring to the assessors and Physics team, hoping to get the best results,” he concluded. Continue reading