Tag Archives: physics


After Chemistry Study Program, LAMSAMA Assessor Team Field Assessment in Physics Study Program FMIPA

After last Monday Chemistry Study Program carried out LAMSAMA field assessment, today the Assessor Team came to Physics Study Program FMIPA (17/11). The Chancellor of University of Jember, Iwan Taruna, again opened the field assessment program. “Yesterday Chemistry Study Program, now the Physics Study Program is being assessed, as the Chancellor of UNEJ was present to provide support for the study programs at UNEJ which are being accredited,” said Iwan Taruna. Furthermore, Iwan said that UNEJ encourages the accreditation of each study program because it will improve the quality of study programs through evaluation and assessment.

The Chancellor also said that UNEJ has 15 faculties, 1 graduate with 108 study programs and a vocational program is needed to support non-academic learning. “In the future UNEJ will open a vocational program in Jubung to produce skilled graduates and experts in their fields,” said Iwan Taruna. At the end of his remarks, the Chancellor hoped that the Physics study program would get the desired accreditation. “Congratulations on exploring to the assessors and Physics team, hoping to get the best results,” he concluded. Continue reading


Head of PRTDRAN BRIN Invites FMIPA UNEJ Lecturers to Collaborate on Nuclear Energy Research

Head of Pusat Riset Teknologi Deteksi Radiasi dan Analisis Nuklir (PRTDRAN) BRIN, Dr. Abu Khalid Rivai, M.Eng. give a guest lecture at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (19/10). Abu Khalid invited lecturers to collaborate on research through BRIN as a bridge. “In BRIN there is ORTN, namely Organisasi Riset Tenaga Nuklir to optimize research in all regions in Indonesia,” he said.

Abu Khalid explained, ORTN itself is divided into 12 organizations in Indonesia, one example being Radiation Process Technology. Everything was revealed in the Guest Lecture of Physics Department, FMIPA UNEJ with the theme Research Prospects and research work at PRTDRAN and National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).. Continue reading


CERiMRE Journal of Physics Department, FMIPA indexed in DOAJ

“Congratulations for CERiMRE journal being indexed in DOAJ or Directory Open Access Journal following Jurnal ILMU DASAR” said Drs. Siswoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. Vice Dean I of FMIPA UNEJ and Head of The OJS Team at University of Jember (19/4). CERiMRE, an acronym for Computational And Experimental Research In Materials And Renewable Energy, is managed by the Department of Physics, FMIPA in collaboration with Kelompok Riset Komputasi Material Terapan or KeRis KMT.

CERiMRE is counted as a young journal because it just published it in 2018. “He is relatively young, but he was able to achieve international indexation at the DOAJ level, hopefully this achievement will add enthusiasm to other FMIPA journals,” continued Siswoyo. DOAJ is a reputable international indexing engine of medium category which contains a journal database. DOAJ is open access, there is no charge for the indexation process. Continue reading


Initial Coordination Meeting for 2022 FMIPA UNEJ: Improving Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi in Achieving IKU

“It is necessary to formulate so that the world of work can quickly absorb alumni, one of which is by making the institution known, such as participating in international accreditation. Besides that, it is also necessary to optimize the role of alumni, so that more alumni get decent jobs,” said Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D. Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember in the introduction to the Leadership Coordination Meeting within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences with the theme of Improving Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi in Achieving IKU and technical services in the academic, general and financial fields as well as student affairs (10/1). In the coordination meeting held in the general lecture room of the Chemistry Department, the Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences hopes to seek international accreditation so that FMIPA can exist more. “Regarding the curriculum resume that has been submitted, we hope that the Department of Biology and Mathematics will continue with assistance from LP3M and involve the roles of UPM and GPM,” he hoped. Regarding Indikator Kinerja Utama (IKU), in terms of writing scientific articles, it is possible to achieve if they are designed properly, the number of research results will be more and more distributed by the community. In front of the Heads of undergraduate and master study programs participating in the coordination meeting, the Dean also said that GPA of FMIPA students was still below university’s GPA of 3.30. This requires an increase in learning instruments so that the achievement of the minimum score can increase without having to reduce quality. At the end of his speech, the Dean of FMIPA again touched on international accreditation to attract prospective master’s students. “It is necessary to strive for international accreditation so that it becomes the target of students, one of which is through the LPDP scholarship, so that the interest will be even higher,” he concluded. Continue reading


Get to know more about Study Program at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of University of Jember has 4 Undergraduate Study Programs and 3 Masters Study Programs. Undergraduate Study Program in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Master’s Program in Mathematics, Physics and Biology. In the odd semester of the 2021/2022 academic year, FMIPA has 1654 active students spread across all study programs, both undergraduate and master’s degrees. All study programs are accredited B from BAN-PT, while undergraduate physics study programs are accredited A. ASIIN international accreditation is also being prepared, the Dean of FMIPA has invited all study programs to race to prepare. Learning facilities for students in each study program are very adequate, both classrooms and laboratories. This is to support the curriculum of the study program which also implements the government’s program of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM). Students are given the opportunity to choose the Bentuk Kegiatan Pembelajaran (BKP) to expand the knowledge gained while accelerating their study period. FMIPA implements several BKP MBKM by putting them in the form of cooperation agreements with several state universities. institutions are also private. The achievements of study program students at FMIPA have penetrated national and international levels such as winning the Silver Medal at iWareBatik International Hackathon Event 2021. On the research side, all FMIPA study programs in 2021 have held international seminars. The agenda is a place to exchange research information for lecturers in study programs with national and international researchers. To accommodate it, it also has a SINTA accredited journal and of course the Kelompok Riset (KeRis) is the spearhead of the implementation of research which of course collaborates with students in it.. Continue reading


Handover Ceremony Head and Secretary of Departments at FMIPA UNEJ

“Thank you to past head and secretary of departments who have worked with us, have also contributed a lot for the progress of FMIPA,” said the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D. in the handover ceremony for the positions of head and secretary of department at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember (19/11). Furthermore, the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences hopes that the work of past head and secretary of departments can be continued by maintaining cooperation with new head and secretary of departments. To note the handover of this position based on Surat Keputusan Rektor of University of Jember No. 22457/UN25/KP/2021 about Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Ketua dan Sekretaris Jurusan Fakultas MIPA Universitas Jember. “Time is short, we proposed names of lecturers for new head and secretary of departments some time ago, and the file is complete so that it can be processed immediately with the issuance of Keputusan Rektor” he explained. For new head and secretary of departments, Dean advised new head and secretary of departments to be able to continue the duties of their predecessors and also touched on performance achievements. “We will immediately discuss together the performance achievements and then what will be achieved based on the target,” he asked. The new head and secretary of departments is also given the task of inviting lecturers in study programs who have expertise to collaborate with other institutions and later put it in the form of a cooperation agreement. “We will discuss all plans offline, including Kampus Merdeka,” he concluded. Continue reading