Category Archives: News



senafis2015_unejSeminar Nasional Fisika 2015 (SENAFIS 2015 ) was officially opened by the Rector of the University of Jember, Drs. Moh. Hasan, M.Sc., Ph.D. at Opening Ceremony held Friday, August 28, 2015 in Building 3rd Floor R. Achmad, University of Jember. Keynote Speakers at the session attended by approximately 150 national participants and for the Parallel Session, held at the Department of Physics,Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences University of Jember followed by some of speakers of academics, practitioners and educators in particular Students, Teachers and Lecturers.

Seminar Nasional Fisika with theme “Kontribusi Fisika dan IPTEK Nuklir dalam Mewujudkan Kemandirian Teknologi Bangsa” by presenting 5 Keynote Speakers are:

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PK2 (New Students) 2015

DSCN5261Introduction of New Student Campus Life (PK2) University of Jember Academic Year 2015/2016 took place starting on August 10, 2015 beginning with the opening ceremony by the Rector of the University of Jember in Jember University Stadium. Furthermore, the reception at FMIPA in the afternoon, at Parking Lot, FMIPA University of Jember. Dean and all leaders in FMIPA to welcome new students at the reception ceremony was held.

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icolib biologi fmipa

ICOLIB Departement of Biology 2015


icolib-sticky2The explosive development of the sciences and its expansion into other disciplines such as the Life Sciences field is yielding groundbreaking discoveries from novel genes and bio-products to cutting-edge nanotechnology, resulting in a transformed science landscape with profound global applications in understanding life, eradicating diseases, securing a more equitable food and water supply distribution as well as creating novel bio-industries and products.

Based on these phenomena above, the ICOLIB 2015 with theme “Exploration and Conservation of Biodiversity”, will provide an interdisciplinary platform of life sciences for researchers, academics, students, professionals, industries, andpolicy makers. This meeting also proposed to among scientists and professionalsto stay at the leading edge of recent advances in life sciences and sustainability, act as a catalyst for further research, improve international collaboration while bridging the scientific and technological differences among scientists, and foster global health security.

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Chemistry National Seminar 2015

semnas_kimia_stickyIndonesia has a wealth of natural resources and non-living is very abundant. Unfortunately many of these commodities are exported as raw materials with low economic value. The chemistry has an important role in the processing of local commodities to increase added value. Chemistry National Seminar 2015 is expected to be a medium of communication to promote the role of chemistry in increasing the added value of local commodities.

Chemistry National Seminar 2015 aims to :

  • Collating information from various parties so that members of HKI can exchange insights on the development of research and technology related to the role of chemistry in increasing the added value of local commodities.

  • The perception of the development of chemistry and its application in value added to local commodity that is always evolving in Indonesia and the International community to be a benchmark to contribute ideas to the government and society.

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Physics National Seminar 2015

banner_semfisTechnology independence is an important component toward independence. It is undeniable that technological development can not be separated from fundamental research such as research in the field of physics, the educational process and also the availability of sufficient energy resources and one of them is nuclear energy.

To reach this technological independence it needs more information digalakan and disseminated the results of the development of research, especially in physics. In order to support the dissemination and sharing of information research results in efforts to strengthen the nation’s technological independence, the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember held a Physics National Seminar 2015 (SENAFIS 2015) on August 28 to 29, 2015. with theme “Kontribusi Fisika dan IPTEK Nuklir dalam Mewujudkan Kemandirian Teknologi Bangsa”

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